#1 Home Elevator / Lift company in Chennai, India

Chennai – Home Elevator

The principal facet, you need to run a successful business is foresight or what we popularly call as ‘vision’; and vision was indeed what Mr. Vimal had when 7 years ago he thought of venturing into home elevator market. Not many would think of such a unique & bold idea and even fewer would dare to take it forward; perhaps that’s what separates mediocrity from greatness. It’s fascinating though how elevator, a product that we use so often, holds so little recognition in our sentiments. Therefore, the pursuit of this goal, of generating awareness about home lifts could have easily backfired. But after 7 years of successful relationship between ThyssenKrupp & Elite Elevators, and with already 300+ home lift installations across India, one can safely say that it was a well thought out initiative.

Where it began

Chennai, a city emblematic to Indian culture is also known as the ‘gateway to South India’. It has played a very pivotal role in the traditional, historical, academic & economic growth of our country. Formerly known as Madras, the capital & cultural hub of Tamil Nadu is famous for its affluent patrimony in classical dance, music, architecture & its idiosyncratic cinema. The foliage & the picturesque beaches forge it as an artist’s paradise.

In accordance with above attributes, Chennai is also the leading commercial center of Southern India. The Tidal IT Park & the Anna Centenary Library, in this astonishing city, are the largest in Asia. Popularly known as Detroit of India, its automobile industry produces more than 40% of auto parts & motor vehicle of the country. Chennai is also India’s second largest exporter of software and IT services. No wonder this statuesque city is abode to some of the most learned and affluent families & the home elevator market is on an all-time high.

Surrounded by cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad, the flag bearers of Indian IT culture; Chennai was the perfect place to start the venture and hence, this is where the head office of operations exist.

The Collaboration

According to a recent survey conducted by Economic Times, India is the 2nd largest elevator market in the world, next only to China; and is expected to grow at 8.1% compounded annual rate till 2023. Globalization has had a huge impact on the infrastructure and spending capacity of our population. People now look at luxury as need and need as the necessity. This improvement in lifestyle through more visible now started a decade back, and hence was an opportune time for Elite Elevators to establish their place in home elevator market.

It’s appalling that a country boasting 2nd largest elevator market in the world still don’t have any set Standards for home elevators. A ‘home’ elevator, as name embarks has to comply with a certain set of rules:

  • Home lifts should follow Machine Directives 2006-42 EC
  • Home lifts are to be manufactured under EN 81-41 guidelines.
  • Home lifts should follow 194 parameters of safety standards.
  • Home lifts have to be certified by third-party (TUV) post installation.
  • Home lifts should run on dc current & single phase power supply.

But it being an obscure market, our knowledge about elevator industry is very limited; hence, catering to our limited knowledge the big giants along with the local manufacturers provide us with commercial units in the name of home or residential elevators. Commercial elevators though cheap, not only are ill-suited & perilous for a residential purpose but can also be fatal in certain circumstances.

Elite Elevators thus, took the onus on themselves to not only increase awareness about the elevator market but also provide customers with products worthy of their home usage. Their motto is simple: business & fortune is important but our customers’ safety is paramount.

      “For we can only elevate to riches when we make you elevate safely”

Therefore, deciding the right brand was a big challenge. The elevator is a very nich market with limited target audience and it gets narrower when you specialize only in home elevator segment. Plus there already are some big players who monopolize the lift market. Elite Elevators vision from the nascent stage was very clear; no compromise on the quality. This is when they tied up with ThyssenKrupp and became their only Indian official partner. ThyssenKrupp, a German giant is a 200+ year old company and with annual revenue of over $43 billion regularly feature in Fortune 500 companies. Their hydraulic lifts are manufactured in Italy and were recently awarded as the ‘World’s safest home elevator’. Incidentally, ThyssenKrupp too were looking to spread its wings in the Indian elevator market & there couldn’t have been a more opportune time for both companies to shake hands.

Product Info

There is no better scenario than when your product itself sets you ahead of your contemporaries. When you know you have a winner at hand, you can strategize the sales and marketing techniques without bluffing the consumers. In ThyssenKrupp, Elite Elevators introduced to India the best home lift brand in the business. You’ll see ThyssenKrupp lifts mostly in all premier locations, be it Delhi Airport or some luxurious malls across the country. Even their customer base of home elevator segment holds some of the most well-known faces in the world.

ThyssenKrupp home lifts are based on hydraulic mechanism and follow the latest technology. This Germany based organization with manufacturing unit in Italy offers you the best combo of German engineering & Italian design. Not only do they follow European Elevator Safety Standards, their home elevators have 194 parameters of safety & 14 patented features which you won’t find in any other lift company. Some of these features include:

SSS (Soft Start and Stop) – the Only organization to have an extra engine in their home lifts to control the stream of oil flow thereby, a delicate begin and stop.

GLR Technology – You would know that all lifts have rails which control the lift’s movement. ThyssenKrupp elevator doesn’t require a drop of oil in rails, hence reducing the maintenance cost to a great extent. It’s the same mechanism utilized for airplanes.

Error Notification System – the Inbuilt system in the lift that notifies you about any current problem in the elevator, or it might encounter in near future.

No Oil Replacement – Yes you read it right ThyssenKrupp home elevators don’t require oil replacement.

Magnetic Driven Controls – Magnetic driven controls are set to revolutionize the market, and ThyssenKrupp as of now being pioneers in this field, have deployed magnet based controls in every one of its lifts.

What attracts Customers

With ever-growing technology and cut-throat competition; in today’s world, to succeed you have to make an immediate connection with your target audience. Nobody has a good attention span these days, you have to make sure they see what they want to see & hear what they want to hear; else 15 of your competitors are eagerly waiting to grab your piece of pie & wouldn’t bat an eye in doing so. Let’s face the fact, 194 parameters of safety standards sounds impressive on paper, but nobody has the time or patience to listen to all of those; in fact, it’ll be an achievement for a sales guy to even explain five of those to any customer without losing his/her attention. Therefore, in accordance with above features, they have the plethora of eye-catching customizations available to their customers. The objective is simple, that which is seen is sold.

These home lifts are tailor-made i.e. each lift is manufactured as per every customer’s specific requirements.

  • There is no pit and no headroom required for these home lifts.
  • Runs on single phase power supply & doesn’t consume any power while descending.
  • The lifts are designed in such a way that you can never get stuck in this elevator.
  • These home elevators can be installed in less than 3*3 sq ft area.
  • Multiple door types and cabin designs available to match interiors of every home.
  • The multiple home lift models are designed in such a way that it holds something for everyone in the store. These can be installed in a dedicated space, inside or outside the residence and no extra charge on the size of the cabin.

It’s astounding to see the immaculate precision that goes into this home elevator making. When one can easily do marketing and sell products on either awe-inspiring design, or modernized technology, or exceptional safety standards; Elite Elevators with their no compromising outlook, offers you all of these and more.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing the product in the right way was another tricky part. The elevator is not a product you purchase for day to day use like a Laptop or a cell phone, neither is this a product you generally buy out of fascination like a luxury car or a swimming pool; the only scenarios where one look for an elevator is either necessity or bragging. Therefore, throughout all the marketing campaigns this is their target audience.

Safety is not only the most prominent feature of these home lifts but is also the USP. People in need of a home lift always look for security of their family and loved ones. Therefore, this is something always highlighted in every marketing campaign of Elite Elevators. As they say, when you have it, you can boast it.

Participating in Asia’s largest conclave for design and building materials event, ACETECH is another masterstroke. The spectacular display of craftsmanship, cutting-edge technology and promising concepts amongst gentry of the architectural fraternity is an opportunity you can’t miss in this field of business. So far they have participated in Delhi, Mumbai & Hyderabad ACETECH and the results have been enthralling.

They also publish monthly articles in reputed newspapers & industrial specific magazines. By doing this they’re in constant touch with the readers & introduction of any new product, the innovation made in existing technologies and operational changes made in the organization is regularly conveyed.

How many times have you seen a movie with limited promotion doing huge business or a product launched with zero fanfare (e.g. Pulse candy) turning out to be everyone’s favorite? In business world, no marketing strategy is better than word of mouth, but it’s not something easily achievable. People are hard to praise, and you don’t get word of mouth publicity just by selling the right products; it’s also about maintaining a healthy customer relationship, be in constant touch with your customer base & offering impeccable post-sales service. This is where Elite Elevator has excelled over the years; in fact, over 70% of their sales are through word of mouth publicity. They make sure that none of their clients is overlooked and a dedicated team has been placed, just to maintain an amicable relationship with every customer.

Some recent achievements

They have recently transformed the bottom two floors of their Chennai head office to a world-class showroom. This showroom will exhibit all the products they deal in. The idea is not just to showcase the products but also provide customers the feel of it. A Cog belt elevator & a Flow 2 stairlift(*link to stairlift website*) is installed, so the customers can experience how the products operate. Also, be prepared to get surprised by their future projects when you enter the showroom.

The launch of Cog Belthydraulic elevator was nothing short of a carnival. Introducing the most luxurious product of their home elevator segment, Elite Elevators made sure that the nail gets hit right in the coffin. This lift was launched at ACETECH Mumbai (*Mumbai link*), in the presence of the regional head of Dubai, factory director from Italy and National Sales head Mr. Vimal; and was addressed to all top leading new channels and media houses. A proper demonstration of this home lift was conducted; to exhibit the smooth ride a filled glass of water was placed and made to travel in the elevator & enchantingly it didn’t spill a single drop.

To be in constant touch with their first-rate customers & to get their honest feedback, they have started the Customer Loyalty Program. Here they personally visit each of their customers to get their honest feedback about their home elevator; at the same time surprising them with unexpected gifts and goodies. The purpose of this whole program is to remain in constant touch with their customer base and to make them feel welcome and be part of this Elite family.

From the horse’s mouth

One of the recent home lift installations they’ve done was at Mrs. Jayabalan’s residence. This is what she had to say about the product:

Your Local Elevator Expert

Since they’re operational at pan India level, the staffing is done considering the diversity of our nation. Therefore, to reach the right person, who not only understands your language but also your sentiments, following are the Contact details:

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Head Office
Nibav Building, 2nd floor,
No 11, LB Road, Adyar, Chennai – 600 020.
[email protected]
All India Contact
+91 93616 13131 / +91 93443 30000

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